Here is my last batch of photos from Pittsburgh last week. We will be uploading more pictures on the ACerS homepage, too, in the coming days.

ACerS formal annual meeting. Credit ACerS.

Outgoing President George Wicks leads the ACerS formal annual meeting. Credit ACerS.

Mug drop winning group. Credit ACerS.

Mug drop winners Rudi Bredemeier (center, left) and Wen Yang (center, right) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, flanked by UIUC professor Trudy Kriven and grad student Sean Musil. Credit ACerS.

Dawn A. Bonnell, from Penn State and director of the Nano/Bio Interface Center, delivered the Robert B. Sosman Lecture. Credit: ACerS.
Dawn A. Bonnell, from the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Nano/Bio Interface Center, delivered the Robert B. Sosman Lecture. Credit: ACerS.
Ceramagraphic winners. Credit ACerS>” width=”400″ height=”236″ /><p id=Ceramographic winners Michael Naguib (left) and Babak Anasori from Drexel Univiversity. Credit: ACerS.

Close-up of Naguib and Anasori's "Best-of-Show" entry. Credit: ACerS.

Close-up of Naguib and Anasori's "Best-of-Show" entry. Credit: ACerS.

Beautiful mugs winners. Credit: ACerS

Beautiful mugs winners An Deng (Univ. of Washington) and Rebecca Mullen (Missouri Univ. of Science & Technology). Credit: ACerS

Micahel Orange of ExOne demonstrates additive manufacturing prototyping machine at the Materials Camp. Credit ACerS.

Michael Orange of ExOne demonstrates additive manufacturing prototyping machine at the ASM Mini-Materials Camp. Credit ACerS.

Fulrath award winners (left to right) J1, J2, Ram Devanathan and Elizabeth Dickey. Credit: ACerS.

George Wicks, past-president, with Fulrath award winners (left to right) Yukihiro Kanechika, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Ram Devanathan, Elizabeth Dickey, Toshimasa Suzuki and ACerS president, Dick Brow. Credit: ACerS.

Noboru Ichinose is congratulated by George Wicks on being honored with the Society's Distinguished Life Membership Award. Credit: ACerS.

ACerS 2012 Class of Fellows. Credit: ACerS.

ACerS 2012 Class of Fellows. Credit: ACerS.

Morgan Technical Ceramics representatives accept the Corporate Environmental Achievement Award. Credit: ACerS.

Morgan Technical Ceramics representatives accept the Corporate Environmental Achievement Award. Credit: ACerS.

Ideas are exchanged at the poster session. Credit: ACerS.

Ideas are exchanged at the poster session. Credit: ACerS.

Netzsch was among the many vendors that participated in the MS&T Expo. Credit: ACerS.

Netzsch was among the many vendors that participated in the MS&T Expo. Credit: ACerS.

The always-popular ACerS "Wheel of Fortune" provided a break between technical sessions. Credit: ACerS.

The expo crowd. Credit: ACerS.

The expo crowd. Credit: ACerS.

Georgia Tech's Zhong Lin Wang discusses innovations in piezotronics in his Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture. Credit: ACerS.

Georgia Tech's Zhong Lin Wang discusses innovations in piezotronics in his Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture. Credit: ACerS.

Lora Cooper Rothen as well as the other members of the Cooper family and staff from the Du-Co Ceramics Co. reported on the new Du-Co Ceramics Scholarship and Young Professionals Awards. Credit: ACerS.

Lora Cooper Rothen as well as other members of the Cooper family and staff from the Du-Co Ceramics Co. reported on the details of the new Du-Co Ceramics Scholarship and Young Professionals Awards at a special luncheon. Credit: ACerS.