[Image above] Fort Worth, Texas, skyline; Credit: Adam Stanford; Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

Charlie Spahr, ACerS executive director, attended the 2015 Meeting of the Southwest Section of The American Ceramic Society June 3-5, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek in Fort Worth, Texas. Below is his recap of the event’s happenings and highlights. 

The Southwest Section of The American Ceramic Society held its annual meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, last week, and by all accounts it was a very successful affair. This year’s theme, “Training a New Generation of Ceramic Employees,” is one that is familiar to many in our traditional or advanced industry. 


Alan Petefish [left] presents Glenn Holladay with the Harry E. Ebright Award for his significant contributions to the Southwest Section. Credit: ACerS

More than 50 members attended the two-and-a-half day event, which included a day of plant tours, followed by a full slate of presentations with active Q&A sessions that ranged from “Integrating Generation Y into Your Operation” to “Principals of Tunnel Kiln Operations.” 

The dinner on Thursday night was truly one of the meeting’s highlights, which, as always, is a family affair for Section members. During the dinner, Alan Petefish presented Glenn Holladay with the Harry E. Ebright Award for his significant contributions to the section.

Read more about the meeting’s agenda on ACerS’ website


Stephanie Liverani

U.S. Sections

  • Southwest