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Advertise to ACerS audience through Digital Marketing!

ACerS offers Retargeting and Geo-Fencing opportunities.

What is retargeting?

Retargeting allows you to reach individuals after they visit our web pages, and allows you to retarget them and show your visitors relevant visual or text ads when they visit other websites.

Why retarget?

Our audience becomes your audience with retargeting. Get exclusive direct access to ACerS website visitors and retarget them with your company's ads that will showcase your brand, anywhere they visit online.

What is Geo-Fencing?

Geo-Fencing allows us to identify a specific area or location and target individuals within that space and serve them an ad when they visit a website.

Why Geo-Fence?

It is a great way to reach a specific audience based on timeframe and location. An example would be reaching out to specific attendees at a conference that fits the audience your organization might want to reach.

What do we receive as an organization?

Your organization will receive and have access to a dashboard with key information in real time on how the campaign is performing. This information will include clicks and impressions, tracking key metrics for the campaign you are running.

What is required of our organization?

Retargeting Campaign

For a retargeting campaign your organization will provide the following:

  • Timeframe of campaign, either in increments of 15 or 30 days.
    • At least two weeks notice is needed to get a campaign up and running.
  • Impression size between 10,000, 20,000 or 25,000.
  • Ad graphics that you want displayed as the audience views your ad, as well as a link to the webpage you are driving them to. Ad sizes are listed below. Due two weeks before campaign start.
    • 300 x 50
    • 300 x 250
    • 320 x 50
    • 320 x 480
    • 336 x 280
GEO-fence Campaign

For a Geo-Fencing campaign your organization will provide the following:

  • Address of targeted campaign
  • Distance around that address, typically recommended up to 2km.
  • Dates for campaign
  • Ad graphics that you want displayed as the audience views your ad, as well as a link to the webpage you are driving them to. Ad sizes are listed below. Due two weeks before campaign start.
    • 300 x 50
    • 300 x 250
    • 320 x 50
    • 320 x 480
    • 336 x 280

What do I need to do to get started?

View a sample campaign here!

Download Sponsorship Form here!

Reach out to our Marketing Manager for more information on pricing and getting started.

Kameron Haines

+1 614-794-5859

