Ionic transports in functional ceramics are vital components of an increasingly demanding global energy and electronic future. Prevailing technologies ranging from clean energy production to electrical energy storage and chemical separations will require the development of robust, highly functional conducting ceramics. This symposium will bring together researchers from academia, government labs, and industry to discuss critical properties-process-performance relationships central to the effective development of ion conducting ceramics. Presentations and discussions are expected to address technical challenges and insights across a wide range of spatiotemporal scales, address ionic transports, and consider a variety of ionic conducting ceramics relevant to a diverse application space, e.g. energy and ionotronic applications.

This symposium welcomes relevant presentations and contributions from experimental work, theory and modeling, and advanced characterization of these technologically interesting and important materials.

Proposed Sessions
  • Influences of synthesis and processing conditions on ionic conduction
  • Ionic-conducting ceramics for energy storage and energy conversion
  • Ionic conduction in solid state battery
  • Electrostatic or electrochemical gating in ceramics via electrolytes (liquid or gel)
  • Membranes for chemical separations and environmental remediation
  • Theoretical and computational studies of ionic transports in functional ceramics
  • Emergent and novel ionotronic devices (e.g. memristor, sensor, actuator, logic devices)
Symposium Organizers

