A bioinspired material is any material that exhibits a structure or function that imitates some aspect of a material or process found in nature. The study of bioinspired materials is a technical means for people to learn from nature, in order to develop new materials and structures with novel functionalities. The symposium is aimed at providing a forum for researchers, students, and entrepreneurs to present and discuss their recent scientific results on a wide variety of topics related to science and engineering issues associated with bioinspired processing of advanced materials. A particular emphasis will be placed on the fundamental issues related to advancing our understanding and utilization of processes inspired by nature to develop materials with new functionalities and structures.

Proposed session topics
  • Bioinspired processing of ceramics
  • Bottom-up assembly and complex colloids
  • Biomimetic optical and photonic materials
  • Bioinspired materials for medical applications
  • Advances in bioinspired materials
  • Mechanical properties of bioinspired materials
  • Environmental applications of bioinspired materials
  • Characterizations of bioinspired materials
  • Nature inspired materials for energy storage, conversion and production
Symposium organizers
Points of Contact:
