Ferroic oxides exhibit rich physics and great potential for applications in next-generation devices. Significant research efforts over the past decades have created unprecedented advances in the study of these materials. Recent breakthroughs in materials synthesis, characterization, theory and modeling, and device fabrication have led to emerging materials in the form of bulk crystals, thin films, heterostructures, and nanomembranes, as well as emergent phenomena, including but not limited to exotic topological structures, magnetoelectricity, magnetoelectronics, and quantum magnetism. These advancements have attracted worldwide interest and opened up a new era toward understanding fundamental ferroic phenomena.

This symposium will focus on the interdisciplinary topics related to the physics, materials science, and engineering within the field of ferroic oxides. The goal of this symposium is to bring together scientific experts and young scientists with an interest in ferroic materials to advance the fundamental understanding, develop modern experimental techniques, and explore new devices and applications.

 Proposed sessions

  • Advanced synthesis and characterization techniques for ferroic oxides
  • Low-dimension ferroic oxides
  • Heavy transition metal oxides
  • Multiscale theory and modeling of ferroicity
  • Electrical control of magnetism and spin textures
  • Ferroic materials for novel devices
  • Spin-orbit electronics


Jian Liu, University of Tennessee, USA, jianliu@utk.edu

Ruijuan Xu, North Carolina State University, USA

Gang Cao, University of Colorado-Boulder, USA

Invited Speakers

Andrew Rappe (University of Pennsylvania)

Xiaoqing Pan (University of Californian Irvine)

Ye Feng (Oak Ridge National Lab)

Daniel Haskel (Argonne National Lab)

Hong Xia (University of Nebraska Lincoln)

Tsuyoshi Kimura (University of Tokyo)

Hide Takagi (Max Planck Institute)

Yuri Suzuki (Stanford University)

Seung Sae Hong (U. of California - Davis)

Jonathan E. Spanier (Drexel University)

Kyle Shen (Cornell University)

Mingzhong Wu (Colorado State University)

Shao, Yu-Tsun (University of Southern California)

Caretta, Lucas M. (Brown University)
