Right now, there is a worldwide race to implement millimeter-wave (mmWave) technologies for the sixth and fifth generation (5G/6G) communication systems and win a piece of the $5.6T telecommunications gross revenue. New technologies spanning the space between analog and digital electronics require innovations in materials science and measurement to facilitate commerce in the mmWave regime. Novel materials can help manufacturers tackle the 5G/6G challenges by accessing fundamental physics, including phase transitions, controlling loss, enhancing transport, and physical models, among others. In this symposium, we kickoff a discussion between worldwide experts from academia, government labs, and industry to identify how ceramics can help. Presentations and discussions are expected to address technical challenges and insights across a wide range of topics, ranging from materials-by-design to proof-of-concept device development, all of which are relevant to a diverse application space. The broader impacts of this symposium will facilitate innovations in mmWave technology.

Proposed sessions

  • 5G/6G metrology
  • 5G/6G devices
  • Materials growth and design


Nate Orloff, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA; orloff@nist.gov

Rick Ubic, Boise State University, USA

Geoff Brennecka, Colorado School of Mines, USA
