This session aims to present and discuss the recent developments in both fundamental and applied research in chalcogenide glasses and amorphous semimetals (e.g., phase-change materials). Topics of interest include structural characterization; structure–property relationship; and advances in physical properties, such as optical, electrical, thermal, crystallization, glass forming, and mechanical behaviors.


Pierre Lucas, The University of Arizona, USA 

Shuai Wei, Aarhus University, Denmark

Invited Speakers

Aaron Linderberg Stanford University USA
Jaakko Akola Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway
Marco Bernasconi University of Milan Italy
Matthias Wuttig RWTH Aachen Germany
Peihao Sun University of Padova Italy
Peter Zalden European XFEL Germany
Steffan Elloit Cambridge Univeresity UK
Tomoki Fujita Aarhus University Denmark
Yanwen Sun Stanford University USA
Yuejun Hu Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
