Nuclear energy has the potential to become a sustainable innovative energy source when novel solutions can overcome accident potential and waste issues for the current fleet power plants. This symposium will focus on improved and advanced materials for alternative next-generation reactor concepts, for structure components, and fuels that enable innovative nuclear power. Challenges associated with nuclear waste management associated with the backend of the fuel cycle will also be addressed. With the advent of new reactor concepts, there is significant challenge to develop advanced materials to meet stringent requirements, i.e., high-temperature and corrosive environments. Thus, a systematic approach of modeling, processing, characterization, and in-service performance testing is required to bring new materials in use.

Session topics
  • Modeling and simulation of radiation effects on structural materials
  • High-temperature metals and alloys
  • Advanced ceramics and composites
  • Material performance in radiation environments
  • Degradation mechanisms and lifetime predictions of material components
  • Material behavior in accident environments
  • Characterization of materials and nondestructive evaluations
  • Heat transfer materials and coolants
  • Materials and processes for radioactive waste containment and disposal
  • Design, synthesis, and testing of waste forms
  • Advanced fuels design and concept
