Low-cost and high-efficiency third-generation photovoltaic technologies, including dye sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, and organic solar cells, could have a great impact on the global deployment of renewable energy harvest in the near future. Over the past two decades, halide perovskites were identified as one of the most promising photovoltaic materials, though this technology faces transition barriers of stability, toxicity, and performance hysteresis issues. Further advancement in both materials science and technical devising and manufacturing holds the potential to solve these practical problems. These scientific embodiments can be the design and development of novel functional materials, discovery of new mechanisms, invention of advanced processing and manufacturing, furthering applications of nanotechnology, intelligent material mining, interfacial/defect reengineering, and many other strategies yet to know.

The overall goal of this symposium is to discuss promising solutions to the existing challenges in perovskite photovoltaics, strategize the roadmap toward standard commercialization, and jointly create additional opportunities for future development.

Session topics
  • Fundamental physics of energy conversion in photovoltaics
  • Advanced synthesis, manufacturing, and characterization techniques
  • Materials and devices toward ultrahigh power conversion efficiency and operational lifetime
  • Mitigation of solvent toxicity, lead toxicity, and recycling
