DEI Lunch Discussion


Professor Erin Hardin

Professor Joe Miles







Session Description

In this workshop, we will briefly explore the ways that intersectional social forces affect workplace dynamics in often subtle and invisible but nonetheless harmful ways. The bulk of our time will focus on helping participants develop the skills and confidence to intervene in these dynamics when they are occurring.


Dr. Joe Miles and Dr. Erin Hardin, professors in the Department of Psychology at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, worked with colleagues to develop the UT-CLIMBS Workplace Climate and Bystander Intervention Training in their roles as Co-PIs on an NSF-ADVANCE ASCEND grant awarded to UTK in 2018.  They also recently served as facilitators of the Leadership Workshop for Mid-Career Women in Physics Collaborations. Dr. Miles studies the process and outcomes of dialogues about social identities and social inequities. Dr. Hardin’s research has focused on recruiting and retaining under-represented individuals in STEM, from high school to university faculty.

Add this lunch or one of the other lunch sessions to your registration. More information here!

