GOMD 2022 Virtual Conference Details

The ACerS Executive Committee along with the meeting organizers from the ACerS Glass & Optical Materials Division have decided to pivot the GOMD 2022 to a hybrid conference to ensure international speakers who cannot travel may have the opportunity to participate. The conference dates are May 22 – 26, 2022.  The hybrid component will run through our Bravura virtual platform in Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5).

Hybrid Speakers

First, you must pay the conference registration fee.  ACerS does require its speakers to register for meetings to participate. As a hybrid speaker, you may register for the meeting at the appropriate virtual rate.

Your login credentials for the Bravura speaker platform will be sent when the site opens and only if your registration fee is paid.

As a hybrid speaker, you will record your talk using our virtual conference platform, Bravura. The platform will be available to you for recording starting in late-April through May 18, 2022*. Your recorded talk will be incorporated into the appropriate live session by our audio-visual team in Baltimore during the in-person meeting, held May 22 – 26, 2022.  You will receive instructions from our ACerS Meetings Team on how to record your talk. UPDATE: INSTRUCTIONS SENT TO REGISTERED SPEAKERS APRIL 25.

*Video recordings will not be accepted after May 18.



Please note: As a hybrid speaker, you will not present your talk live, nor will you be able to answer questions live. However, each in-person session will be recorded and posted under its full session in Bravura for both virtual and live participants to watch within 24 hours of the session’s completion.

There will be a discussion board attached to your session in Bravura, where all participants (hybrid and in-person) can pose questions and you can respond. The audience can also message you directly through the Bravura virtual conference platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q – My session moderator has his/her own Zoom account and wants me to join my session live to present. Is that okay?

A – No, that is not acceptable and that is not how we’ve set up the hybrid conference. Our individual session rooms throughout the host hotel do not have internet access.

Q – If I’m just submitting a video, why do I have to pay a conference fee?

ACerS does require all speakers to register for its meetings, whether in-person or hybrid. All registrants will have access to all content. We have reduced the cost for our virtual-only speakers because of the reduction in on-site food and beverage, etc., fees. However, the society still faces significant costs with the virtual platform and additional staffing to provide a hybrid option.

Q – As a virtual speaker, do I need to “log in” to the virtual conference platform during the date and time I am assigned to speak in my session?

No, you do not. Your recorded video will be played on-site during its assigned date and time in the assigned session room by the session moderator. The recording of the entire session will be posted in Bravura within 24 hours.

Q – As an in-person speaker, do I need to log in to Bravura to do anything?

No, you do not. You will arrive at the session room on the date and time you are assigned to speak, just as with any other live ACerS conference. However, you will have access after the conference closes to watch ALL session recordings through Bravura, and we do encourage you to log in prior to the start of the conference to update your profile.

Q – As a virtual speaker, how do I interact with other conference attendees?

You can connect with other attendees (live or in-person) via your session’s message board, or by utilizing the messaging feature within Bravura.

Q – As an in-person attendee, how do I interact with virtual conference attendees?

You can connect with other attendees (live or in-person) via your session’s message board, or by utilizing the messaging feature within Bravura.

Q – As an attendee (either in-person or virtual), will I have access to all talks?

Yes, any registered attendee for GOMD 2022 will have access to all session recordings through July 31, 2022. You gain access to these recordings by logging into the Bravura platform (access will be provided to all registrants via email in the week prior to the start of the conference).
