Event Description

Join us in Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 4-9, 2025 for the 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology and the Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting (GOMD 2025).

Submit an abstract!

Abstracts are due by December 18, 2024

View the call for abstracts brochure

Once again in 2025, PACRIM and GOMD are hosted by ACerS as co-located meetings. If you are participating in the PACRIM meeting, you will present at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver hotel. If you are participating in the GOMD meeting, you will present at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. You can pick up your conference badge at either hotel. Coffee breaks will be served at both hotels in the meeting space, but conference-wide events will predominantly be held at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Your conference badge will allow you access to both PACRIM and GOMD talks and special events. The walk from the Hyatt Regency meeting space to the Fairmont meeting space is about five minutes. We have a room block at both hotels, but want to share this information to presenters and attendees now so you can choose the hotel block that works best for your situation.


Photo of PACRIM Chair Yiquan Wu

Chair: Yiquan Wu wuy@alfred.edu

Co-Chair Bryan Huey

Co-Chair: Bryan Huey bryan.huey@uconn.edu









GOMD Chairs

Co-Chair: Madoka Ono, madoka.ono.d7@tohoku.ac.jp

Co-Chair: Collin Wilkinson

Co-Chair: Collin Wilkinson, wilkinsonc@alfred.edu











Interested in showcasing your company at PACRIM 16 & GOMD 2025?

Download Sponsorship Form

Download Tabletop Exhibitor Form

Did you know you can publish research with ACerS?

Here are a couple of great options for publishing!

International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES) is the ACerS-approved open access journal for ceramic science and ceramic engineering research. This ceramics journal is broad in scope and publishes peer reviewed sound papers across all aspects of ceramic and glass materials, including regular research articles, preliminary work, opinion/perspective papers (invited), and reviews.

International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) is a forum for knowledge around how glass is used in the world today. This glass science and glass engineering journal helps researchers meet the challenges of using glass and related materials in scientific, consumer, commercial, and industrial applications.


The American Ceramic Society

The Chinese Ceramic Society

The Ceramic Society of Japan

The Australian Ceramic Society

Glass & Optical Materials Division

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