The Engineering Ceramics Division (ECD) is offering Childcare Grants for those attending the 49th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) held from January 26- January 31, 2025, in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Grants of up to $400 will be given to selected registered meeting attendees who are bringing one or more young children to the conference or who incur extra expenses in leaving them at home (i.e., added hours of daycare or babysitting services).

Applicants must be preregistered for ICACC’25 to submit a grant application. Please note that only one grant per household will be given. Should the number of requests exceed available funding, preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate need and apply earlier in the process.

Allowable expenses include:

  • Daycare expenses during meeting week (off-site at meeting*)
  • Extra daycare expenses at home incurred because the primary caregiver was attending the meeting (e.g., overtime at a daycare center, cost of a sitter, etc.). A signed statement by caregiver, including the total amount paid per day, is required.
  • Expenses incurred in bringing a babysitter or family member acting as caregiver to the meeting to care for the child.

Not allowable:  Meeting attendee’s mileage and travel expenses to and from ICACC’25 or tickets to local museums, amusement parks, etc.

Application Guidelines

  • Grant applications are due by December 6, 2024.
  • Applicant must be registered for the meeting when submitting the application.
  • Upon approval of applications, recipients will be notified (on or before December 20, 2024). Approved recipients will be required to submit a list of expenses and scans of receipts showing the extra expenses incurred, no later than February 14, 2025. Please allow up to 6-8 weeks to receive your reimbursement.

The deadline for submission has now passed. If you have any questions, please reach out to customer service at

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