Symposium 2: Advanced Ceramic Coatings for Structural, Environmental, and Functional Applications
Research and development in the field of high-performance ceramic coating systems is key to current and future technologies. Ceramic coatings extend the lifetime or even enable operation of engineered materials in harsh environments. Advanced gas turbine engine components made of ceramic matrix composites, intermetallics, or superalloys promise higher energy efficiency due to increasing operation temperatures. Advanced thermal and environmental barrier coatings (T/EBC) are mandatory to protect components against the synergistic attack of heat, combustion atmosphere, and inorganic, CMAS-type aerosols. Oxidation protection provided by ceramic coatings is a key issue for nonoxide, ultrahigh-temperature ceramics and composites to be used in reusable spacecraft or hypersonic vehicles. Protection of metal components against oxidation, corrosion, erosion, and wear by innovative ceramic coatings is also a central building block for many other technologies. Functional ceramic coatings are essential for many renewable energy applications.
This symposium addresses processing, microstructure, performance, and durability of advanced ceramic coatings. New materials, innovative processing technologies, advanced characterization methods, and thermodynamic modeling are particularly emphasized.
Proposed session topics
- Thermal and environmental barrier coatings for ceramic matrix composites, intermetallics, and alloys
- CMAS-type degradation of T/EBC: Fundamentals, modeling, and mitigation strategies
- Ceramic coatings for protection against oxidation, corrosion, erosion, and wear
- Ceramic coatings for renewable energy applications
- Processing of ceramic coatings (thermal spraying, PVD, CVD, aerosol deposition, sintering)
- Microstructure–property relationships
- Advanced destructive and nondestructive characterization methods
- Modeling and simulation
Symposium organizers
- Peter Mechnich, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
- Douglas E. Wolfe, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Jie Zhang, Institute of Metal Research, CAS, China
- Bryan Harder, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
- Elizabeth Opila, University of Virginia, USA
- Ravisankar Naraparaju, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
- Nadia Rohbeck, Pratt and Whitney, USA
- Kuiying Chen, NRC Ottawa, Canada
- Eric H. Jordan, The University of Connecticut, USA
- Robert Vaßen, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
- Kang N. Lee, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
- Satoshi Kitaoka, Japan Fine Ceramics Center, Japan
- Byung-Koog Jang, Kyushu University, Japan
- Eugene Medvedovski, Endurance Technologies Inc., Canada
- David Poerschke, University of Minnesota, USA
- Ping Xiao, University of Manchester, UK
- Julin Wan, GE Global Research, USA
- Yutaka Kagawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Rodney W. Trice, Purdue University, USA
Points of contact
- Peter Mechnich:
- Doug Wolfe:
- Jie Zhang:
49th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2025)
January 26 • 31, 2025