Event Description

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The Greater Missouri (STL) Section and the Refractory Ceramics Division of The American Ceramic Society will sponsor the 60th Annual Symposium on Refractories on the theme “Modeling, Simulation, AI and Its Potential and Practical Effect on the Refractory Industry” on March 26-27, 2025, and a kickoff event TopGolf, Chesterfield, MO, will be held the evening of March 25, 2025. The meeting will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, at the Hilton St. Louis Airport Hotel. Co-program chairs are Rebecka Annunziata of Arcelor Mittal and Brady Gould of Christy Refractories.

The final program and agenda can be found at the link below.

2025 Agenda-Program

Tabletop Form

Please note that a meeting of the ASTM International C-8 Committee on Refractories will be held on March 25th, before this joint Missouri Greater (St. Louis) Section/RCD conference. Contact Melissa Marcinowski at mmarcinowski@astm.org for more information on this meeting.

The pre-registration fee of $250.00 or on-site registration fee of $300.00 ($125.00 for Emeritus/Seniors and $50.00 for students) includes the cost of your bound copy of the Symposium Technical Papers, Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Coffee Breaks.

A block of rooms has been set aside for the evenings of March 23-28, 2025 at the Hilton (314) 426-5500. The rate is $131.00 for a single or double. To receive the $131 rate mention the Group Name: St. Louis Section of The American Ceramic Society or Group Code: ACS when making your reservation. The web address to make online reservations is: St. Louis Section of the American Ceramic Society Booking Link

All hotel reservations must be received on or before March 3, 2025.

For further information please contact Patty Smith at tel: (573) 341-6265 or email: psmith@mst.edu.

Did you know you can publish research with ACerS?

Here are a couple of great options for publishing!

International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES) is the ACerS-approved open access journal for ceramic science and ceramic engineering research. This ceramics journal is broad in scope and publishes peer reviewed sound papers across all aspects of ceramic and glass materials, including regular research articles, preliminary work, opinion/perspective papers (invited), and reviews.

International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (ACT) publishes applied research on how ceramics and composites are developed for use in the commercial world. This ceramic engineering journal focuses on the commercialization of engineered ceramics, products and processes.


Refractory Ceramics Division

ACerS Greater Missouri Section