Ceramic Tech Today

Art and advanced materials meet

By / January 31, 2010

Ocean of Light from squidsoup on Vimeo. Squidsoup is back! Titled “Oceans of Light,” this time, the groups latest artwork is made by using reconfigured video-wall technology to create a…

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DOE names nuclear waste commission

By / January 30, 2010

President Obama spoke about a renewed push for nuclear-based energy solutions in his SOTU speech, and Friday DOE Secretary Chu announced the appointment of the “Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s…

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Brosnan reports on EMA 2010 conference

By / January 29, 2010

Kristen has posted a video, too!

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Brosnan added to revamped GE blog

By / January 27, 2010

GE recently overhauled its blog and its worth stopping by to see the goodies. The blog, called “Edison’s Desk,” looks great and promises to cover lots of news related to…

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X-rays reported to trigger crystal formation

By / January 27, 2010

A team from Northwestern University reports in the new issue of Science about the role that X-rays can play in crystal formation. The researchers say they accidentally discovered that X-rays can trigger…

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Video(s) of the week: Ceramic matrix composite brakes

By / January 27, 2010

I’m currently in Daytona Beach, Florida for the ICACC’10 conference. One of the keynote speakers was the University of Bayreuth’s Walter Krenkel. Krenkel invented a liquid silicon infiltration process for…

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Monday materials music

By / January 25, 2010

By homey Robert Pollard/Guided By Voices. He was everyone’s favorite 4th-grade teacher.

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Ford to pump $450M into battery technology for electric cars

By / January 25, 2010

Having just announced that they will be spending $550 million converting a Detroit SUV factory into a hybrid and electric vehicle factory, Ford Motors has announced a further investment of…

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Researchers build first nanodragster

By / January 24, 2010

Live Science reported that researchers have built a new super-small “nanodragster” that could speed up efforts to craft molecular machines. “We made a new version of a nanocar that looks…

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Energy innovation meeting coming up

By / January 23, 2010

It’s worth noting the ARPA-E has a big shindig coming March 1-3 in Washington, DC. Billed as the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, the event sounds like it’s something of a…

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