Ceramic Tech Today

Hopping on the social media bandwagon

By / January 15, 2010

Don’t miss a single update! The American Ceramic Society/Ceramic Tech Today have joined forces with Twitter and Facebook to bring you instant news and updates. Follow ACerSNews on Twitter by…

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Next generation lighting gets $37M from DOE

By / January 15, 2010

The DOE signaled today that intends to continue to support

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Nanodiamond-Gd complex: ‘Contrast agent on steroids’

By / January 14, 2010

Dean Ho’s nanodiamond team at Northwestern always seems to be coming up with something new. This time, Ho and a team led by NWU cancer researcher Thomas J. Meade say…

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Can natural gas-SOFC combo be cheapest route to cleaner electricity?

By / January 13, 2010

Two researchers at MIT say they have what will be “the lowest price option” for power generation in the future if a carbon tax is every levied in the United…

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Recycling nuclear waste at Argonne National Lab

By / January 13, 2010

  This video, produced by the Science Channel with the assistance of Argonne National Lab, discusses some of the work being done to perfect closed-cycle “fast” nuclear reactors. Nearly all…

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Glass windows to be coated with solar cells

By / January 12, 2010

Via press release, Maryland-based New Energy Technologies has developed a process of spraying solar cells onto glass, resulting in the production of its emerging solar window product. This development comes…

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American solar thermal firm to shine in China

By / January 11, 2010

Reuters reported that concentrating solar thermal (CST) company eSolar has reached a deal to license its technology to a Chinese power equipment maker that plans to build a 2,000 megawatt…

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GM unveils new lithium-ion battery

By / January 8, 2010

Detroit’s WWMT.com reported that GM has manufactured an advanced lithium-ion battery for its electric vehicle, the Chevy Volt. The Volt is designed to drive up to 40 miles on electricity…

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Startup gets funding for two-bladed wind turbine

By / January 7, 2010

According to a press release, the Berkeley-based startup Nordic Windpower expects to change the landscape of wind farms. Within a few years, CEO Tom Carbone says, Californians may expect to…

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Small-scale renewables plan clashes with big energy

By / January 6, 2010

The San Francisco Chronicle published an interesting viewpoint held by Bill Powers, California engineer and energy consultant. Powers argues that instead of focusing on large-scale solar and wind farms, the…

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