Ceramic Tech Today

MS&T’09 Opening session talks (audio only)

By / November 14, 2009

Last week we published a video version of the panel of energy experts who spoke at the opening session of MS&T’09. There were two keynote speakers before the panel: Jeffrey…

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Lithium battery recycling facility explodes

By / November 12, 2009

NOTE: This post has been updated to reflect that Toxco’s recycling business includes all lithium batteries and is not limited to lithium-ion types. Earlier this week there was an unexpected…

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Carbon nanotubes as super sponges

By / November 12, 2009

Chinese scientists say they have figured out a way to turn carbon nanotubes into a superabsorbing and reusable sponge for organic materials. They predict their CNT sponge material may be…

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Video of the week #2: 2009 Orton Lecture – Innovations in Ceramic Processing by Tailoring Solid-Liquid and Solid-Gas Interfaces – by Ludwig Gauckler

By / November 12, 2009

ETH Zurich professor Ludwig J. Gauckler gave the 2009 Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture at the recently completed ACerS Annual Meeting and MST’09 Conference. “Tailoring the solid–gas and solid–liquid interfaces…

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Ceramic spheres to capture and store CO2 emissions

By / November 11, 2009

Scientists in Brazil say they have developed a technique for absorbing industry-produced carbon dioxide before it reaches the atmosphere. The half-centimeter ceramic spheres were developed at the chemistry department of…

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Video of the week #1: 2009 Keramos student mug drop contest

By / November 10, 2009

[flash https://ceramics.org/ceramictechtoday/wp-content/video/mug_drop09.flv mode=1 f={image=/ceramictechtoday/wp-content/video/mug_drop09.jpg}]   The kids are still alright – and having fun breaking things. Congratulations to all of the entrants and winners!

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Siemens to supply Mexico’s first wind farm

By / November 10, 2009

Via press release, Siemens has secured a contract to supply 70 wind turbines to one of Mexico’s largest wind farms, the Los Vergeles project, in a deal that marks its…

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New look at material acting as insulator instead of conductor

By / November 9, 2009

According to a press release, Johns Hopkins materials scientists have found a new use for a chemical compound that has traditionally been viewed as an electrical conductor. By changing the…

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First stage of NASA’s ‘space elevator’ contest won

By / November 6, 2009

LaserMotive‘s photovoltaic-powered machine became the first in the three-year history of NASA’s space elevator contest to climb a 2,953-foot-long ribbon, securing a prize of $900,000. The competition saw teams use…

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Two wind turbines collapse

By / November 6, 2009

It’s not often that wind turbines malfunction to the point of destruction. Recently it happened twice in the same week. According to the Copenhagen Post, in late October in Esbjerg,…

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