Ceramic Tech Today

Who cloaked my cheese?

By / January 18, 2009

Back when “Ceramic Tech Weekly” was still just a newsletter (waaay back in mid-2008), I wrote several stories (see here and here) about the emerging technologies related to what is…

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Call for ceramics short-course proposals

By / January 15, 2009

The American Ceramic Society is seeking proposals from experts with the ability to develop and teach two-day (or more) short courses that focus on foundational topics in ceramic materials engineering…

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Ceramics as alternative to conventional laser generation

By / January 15, 2009

Kudos to Akio Ikesue and Yan Lin Aung for their recent article in Nature Photonics. Ikesue (bias confession: he is an ACerS member) and Yan report on recent developments in…

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Video(s) of the week – The hard and “soft” of ceramic armor

By / January 14, 2009

Today’s videos are something of an introduction to ceramic armor. The first video uses the suit worn in the most recent Batman movie (The Dark Knight) as a jumping off…

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Solar refrigeration coming to off-grid areas

By / January 12, 2009

A cool idea for solar-powered cold-storage is about to make refrigeration a lot more affordable, practical and environmentally friendly in off-the-grid and partially-electrified areas of the world. Birth of a…

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Creating alternating current with piezoelectrics

By / January 8, 2009

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have created a micro-scale “flexible charge pump” that produces alternating current by utilizing the piezoelectric properties of cyclically stretched and released zinc oxide…

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Fellowship application deadline looms

By / January 7, 2009

There are only two day left to apply for a one-year fellowship working as a science advisor to Congress. Don’t delay. This post has more information.

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Video of the week – Jain on biomedical applications of glass

By / January 7, 2009

Lehigh University professor Himanshu Jain discusses the school’s work to lead an international effort to develop biocompatible, dually porous glass that helps damaged human bone to regenerate. Jain, who teaches…

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Top non-video posts for 2008

By / January 2, 2009

Everyone else is doing their “tops” list for last year, so who are we to go against the herd? #5 – Graphene memory possible — #4 – Better method for…

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Top ceramic videos countdown of 2008

By / January 2, 2009

Everyone else is doing their “tops” list for last year, so who are we to go against the herd? #5 – Aerogel – Solid smoke! — #4 – Nanotube Audio…

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