Why should you get involved with ACerS PCSA? 

The President's Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) is the student leadership development program for The American Ceramic Society (ACerS). Being a PCSA delegate provides a unique opportunity to represent your university in the ceramic and glass community and is a valuable way to network for your future career.

Furthermore, the PCSA is an important opportunity for you to help reach and serve the next generation of ceramic and glass materials professionals, while promoting awareness of ceramic and glass science and engineering to the general public.

Additionally, PCSA delegates also benefit from various leadership and professional development opportunities.

Sign up to receive information about the PCSA!

Sign up here to be notified of the application period opening each year, and other related information.

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About PCSA delegates

  • PCSA delegates represent their universities as student leaders in the ACerS ceramic and glass community.
  • Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome.
  • The PCSA is active year-round.
  • PCSA delegates meet to coordinate efforts at the annual business meeting held the weekend prior to the MS&T conference.
  • PCSA delegates are required to maintain membership in Material Advantage or ACerS Global Graduate Researcher Network (GGRN), depending on if an undergraduate or graduate student. You do not need to be a current member to apply. Membership must be current after acceptance to the PCSA, and throughout the entire PCSA term.

Being a PCSA delegate provides:

  • The opportunity to represent your university and lab in the national ceramic and glass community.
  • Networking opportunities to make valuable contacts for future jobs.
  • The opportunity to stand out to recruiters and build your resume.
  • Outreach and service to the next generation of ceramic and glass materials professionals.
  • Promotion to the general public about ceramic and glass science, particularly to pre-college students.
  • A lifelong connection to ACerS and close contact with ACerS leadership.
  • Leadership experience and professional development opportunities.

What does it take to be a PCSA delegate?

Ceramics & Glass

A strong interest in ceramics and/or glass.


Strong leadership qualities.


Reliability and strong drive.

Application Process for a PCSA Delegate

Selected delegates are required to be a member of Material Advantage or ACerS Global Graduate Researcher Network (GGRN). You do not need to be a current member to apply. Membership must be current after acceptance to the PCSA, and throughout the entire PCSA term.

Attendance at the PCSA annual business meeting (ABM) is required for all delegates. The ABM is typically held the weekend prior to the MS&T conference. PCSA delegates are also required to serve on one of the five PCSA committees for a period of one year, beginning at the annual business meeting. Accepted PCSA delegates will choose their committee involvement at the ABM.

Apply today for the 2024-2025 PCSA class of delegates! Deadline Extended: Applications are due no later than April 5, 2024.

The 2024-25 PCSA Application is now closed. If you have any questions, please email PCSARecruitmentChair@ceramics.org. Thank you!

First-time PCSA applicants

All applicants must complete the online application form in addition to submitting the application information shown below.

NOTE: The online form does not save progress and so must be completed in one sitting. Please make sure that you have your supporting documents ready to upload with your application.

You will be asked to upload the following documents within the online application form. References may be uploaded with the application, or emailed directly.

  1. Resume that clearly identifies your year in school as well as current contact information such as your email address and/or phone number. Make sure it includes any leadership, research, and employment experience, especially those related to glass and ceramics, materials science or STEM in general.
  2. One-page personal statement that:
    • Addresses your reasons for wanting to attend the annual business meeting (ABM) and why participation in the PCSA would be valuable to you and your local university or department. Include examples of how you might use your position on the PCSA to positively impact your university or department.
    • Describes your interest in glass and ceramics
    • Describes your academic and career plans for the near future and how they are related to working within the field of glass and ceramics (within 10 years)
  3. Brief letter of support from a faculty member that:
    • Includes academic information (student's year and school name)
    • Highlights student leadership experiences in detail, such as results you delivered in leadership positions (organizing, mobilizing, problem-solving), commitment in extra-curricular activities or general contributions to society

Format for personal statement: 1” margins, 1.5 Line Spacing, 11 point font.

Apply today for the 2024-2025 PCSA class of delegates! Deadline Extended: Applications are due no later than April 5, 2024.

If you have any questions about applying for the PCSA, contact Ruth adam, 2023-24 PCSA Recruitment Committee Chair.
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Returning PCSA delegates

Submit a one-page personal statement addressing the following:

  1. What committee you were part of last year and what you did on the committee;
  2. How PCSA has benefited you and your future plans, and;
  3. Your academic or career plans for the near future (within 10 years).

Returning delegates will need to send the above personal statement directly to pcsarecruitmentchair@ceramics.org.