Congratulations to the Structural Clay Products Division as they were able to increase their Division membership by 25%!
From now through December 2, 2024 add 10% or more of your total Division membership* and win!
Recruit and/or support graduate students and individual memberships within ACerS and your Division! Strengthen and diversify your Division by increasing membership and creating an abundant environment for Division members.
Twice the wins: Earn $1,000 in supplemental funds for your Division AND increase your total Division counts!
10% or more $1,000 for your Division
Increase Division membership: July 2025 = more Division funds
*Encourage both Individual and GGRN-eligible members to sign up for ACerS membership, and/or consider offering Divisional support. Ensure that your recruits add your Division to their membership.
Utilize the membership toolkit below to help recruit members!

How to compete
Each division's membership totals will be provided to division leadership as of July 2024. That way your Division will know exactly how many members to recruit to earn $1,000 in supplemental funds!
See the Membership Toolkit below for recruitment materials and links to sign up for membership.
Membership Toolkit
*Discounted memberships are available for those in developing and underdeveloped countries, as identified by the World Bank.
GGRN: Division Support
Does your Division want to provide monetary support to GGRN members in need? Choose the "GGRN: Division Support" button to have them sign up and request support from your Division.
Membership Recruitment Tips
Help your Division expand its numbers by reaching out to non-member colleagues. Utilize the methods below to share with them the importance of ACerS membership.
Encourage colleagues to join you in reaping the benefits of ACerS membership!
Questions about the challenge, or questions about ACerS membership? Please contact Yolanda Natividad.