The Greater Missouri Section, formerly the St. Louis Section, of The American Ceramic Society was founded in 1965.
Section Officers
Chair: Jason Lonergan, Missouri S&T
Vice Chair: Kaitlyn Zdvorak, Christy Refractories
Treasurer: Patty Smith, Missouri S & T
Secretary: Kenneth Domann, Rath Group
Counselor: Jeff Smith, Missouri S&T
Programming Committee Chair: Brady Gould, Christy Refractories
Social Committee Chair: Kaitlyn Zdvorak, Christy Refractories
Nominating Committee: Chris Perry, Christy Refractories
If you would like to contact any of the Greater Missouri Section officers, visit the ACerS online membership directory for contact details. You must be a member to access the directory. Or contact Vicki Evans at vevans@ceramics.org for assistance.