Welcome to the future of scholarly publishing

In Open Access publishing, anyone can read peer reviewed articles where authors provide global use licenses. While most agree this is an admirable goal, most also agree that the current APC model where individual authors fund publishing is unsustainable. While many funding models are being tested, Wiley, ACerS journal publishing partner, has adopted a Publish and Read transformational agreement approach.

The number of Read and Publish agreements has grown dramatically over the past few years. You might be surprised to learn that your institution participates. Because the list seems to be growing daily we suggest going to Wiley’s page listing the current funder agreements and search for your institution.

So how do you publish open access under a transformational agreement? First, consult with your institution’s research management office or librarians to determine internal procedures before submission. During submission to International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science (and other Wiley Gold OA journals) you enter the code for your institution directly in ScholarOne.


For JACerS, ACT, and IJAGS, OA licensing and payment is part of the post-acceptance workflow. Click on the link to download Wiley’s OA “how to” document for details on the process.

The ACerS journals team hopes this information encourages you to publish more of your work in our journals. Doing so benefits you, your institution, ACerS, and the global ceramic and glass community.

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Background on Open Access Publishing

Scientific communication is integral to technological growth. The broader the dissemination of discoveries, the faster the changes. Perhaps the best example is the speed of development of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Many credit open sharing of research as a key driving force.

Open Access scholarly publishing aims to generate rapid successes in all areas of technology and in all areas of the globe. For the authors, Open Access enables whole new audiences, particularly those without subscriptions or funds for paywalled articles, to read (and cite) their articles and invite collaboration on future research.

Dissemination of scholarly knowledge costs money, however. How those funds are generated has evolved over the past 300-plus years of scholarly publishing. Today, Open Access publishing is upending the subscription payment model and many new financial arrangements are being tested to ensure the sustainability of scholarly publishing.

Wiley, ACerS journal publishing partner, has adopted a Publish and Read approach in forming agreements with individual institutions and research consortia. While each agreement is unique, they all share the same general purpose. The institutions handle the financial transactions of open access, freeing authors to focus on research and manuscript writing.

The communities at participating institutions, including the non-research institutions within consortia, benefit by getting access to all or part of Wiley’s catalog of research journals.

In addition to the clear benefits to authors and institutions, ACerS benefits from authors at institutions with transformational agreements selecting Open Access publishing. In the Open Access world, publishing fees will be an important source of funding for the excellent programming and resources ACerS provides to its members and the broader ceramic and glass community.

In summary, Open Access publishing is here. By participating now, your work is seen by more people, and you help the Society provide much needed services to our community, many of which are not available elsewhere. With transformational agreements, Open Access publishing has little to no effect on your ability to perform your research and mentor the next generation of ceramic and glass scientists and engineers.