
Good vibrations lead to ‘smart’ roads and energy

By / December 27, 2008

Some people think the road to tomorrow’s most practical alternative energy source will be embedded with piezoelectric crystals capable of converting the mechanical strain of on-road vehicles into electrical current…

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ACerS President praises Chu; other scientists named to administration

By / December 26, 2008

Recently we noted that Steven Chu, a real scientist and experienced administrator, has been selected to run the Department of Energy. This week, we got a chance to talk with…

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NSF funds Lehigh/Penn State outreach to Tuskegee University

By / December 26, 2008

To encourage more African-Americans to adopt science and engineering careers, the NSF-funded International Materials Institute for New Functionality in Glass at Lehigh University is commencing an outreach program at Tuskegee…

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Video of the week – What element do you want for Xmas?

By / December 25, 2008

This is from a series of really excellent videos about each of the elements in the periodic table. The series is being led by Brady Haran from the University of…

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Phase Equilibria Diagrams Online

By / December 23, 2008
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Phase Equilibria Diagram Topical CD-ROMs

By / December 23, 2008
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Phase Equilibria Diagram Books

By / December 23, 2008
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Phase Equilibria Diagrams CD-ROM Database Version 3.2

By / December 22, 2008

New! Download the latest phase diagram brochure to learn more! New! Request Free Phase Diagram Version 3.2 Demo CD! To test the new features of ACerS-NIST Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database…

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Mega gleam from nano polish?

By / December 22, 2008

Sometime in the near future, a visit to the dentist for teeth cleaning may involve putting such a fine polish on your choppers that harmful bacteria slide off before they…

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By / December 22, 2008


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