President’s executive order could mean less dependence on critical mineral imports

By Faye Oney / January 12, 2018

President Trump recently signed an executive order to explore new sources of 23 critical minerals in the U.S. The directive could spur domestic production of critical minerals, including rare-earth elements, and lessen U.S. dependence on imported minerals.

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The road to REE independence: Rare-earth elements discovered in U.S. coal basins

By Faye Oney / December 8, 2017

A collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy, academia, and business has resulted in the discovery of high concentrations of rare-earth elements in several U.S. coal basins. The success of this discovery could eventually reduce the U.S.’s dependence on imported rare earths.

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Phosphate-rich salmon sperm could prove key to greener, cheaper recycling of rare earths

By Jessica McMathis / January 28, 2015

A team of Japanese researchers has discovered that the sperm of salmon could effectively replace the more costly and less environmentally friendly methods used to recover rare-earth elements from electronic and magnetic waste.

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