W. David Kingery

W. David Kingery’s legacy in ceramics lives on in MIT ceramics and glass lab

By Stephanie Liverani / September 16, 2015

Dr. William David Kingery is still revered for his myriad contributions to the study of modern ceramics. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology materials science and engineering department reopened the W. David Kingery Ceramics and Glass Laboratory in April and students have been busy at work in the new space ever since.

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MIT celebrates contributions of ceramics, glass, and W. David Kingery with lab reopening

By Jessica McMathis / April 23, 2015

MIT’s materials science and engineering department celebrates the reopening of the W. David Kingery Ceramics and Glass Laboratory (nee MIT Glass Lab). According to an MIT news release, the renovation not only adds more space but new equipment, increased safety features, and improved ventilation systems.

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