International Year of Glass

A United Nations International Year celebrating the heritage and importance of glass.

Celebrating the world of glass

On May 18, 2021, the United Nations General Assembly formally approved a resolution declaring the year 2022 as the International Year of Glass to celebrate the heritage and importance of this material in our lives.

Report of the Regional Organization 7 Comprising The United States and Canada

National Day of Glass Online Book

Structure of Glass Short Course

Steering Committee members

Manoj Choudhary, Chair
Kathy Jordan, Co-chair (Rep from Art, American Glass Guild)
Younes Messaddeq, Co-chair (Rep from Canada, Université Laval)
Brandi Clark (Rep from Art, Glass Art Society)
Marcus Fish (ACerS/CGIF Development Director)
Sue LaBute (ACerS Executive Office Manager)
Urmilla Jokhu-Sowell (National Glass Association)
Robert Lipetz (Glass Manufacturing Industry Council)
Steve Martin (IYOG Int’l Council Rep)
John Mauro (Glass & Optical Materials Division Chair)
Mark Mecklenborg (ACerS Executive Director)
Kathleen Richardson (National Day of Glass Representative)
Federico Rosei (Rep from Canada, iNRS)
Laurence Sibrack (Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass)
Arun Varshneya (NA IYOG Finance Committee)
Karol Wight (The Corning Museum of Glass)

Ex officio members

Mario Affatigato (National Day of Glass Committee)
Hong Li (IYOG Int’l Council Representative)
David Pye
Eileen De Guire (ACerS Technical Content & Communications Director)
Andrea Ross (ACerS Meetings & Marketing Director)

History of IYOG

The concept for the International Year of Glass was first introduced at the 2018 Fall Annual Meeting of the International Commission on Glass in Yokohama, Japan.

Learn more here!

Presentation to the United Nations