Though ceramics is the main focus at The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), glass is a significant part of the Society as well. In celebration of the International Year of Glass (IYOG), ACerS is pleased to support a special IYOG online course titled Structure of Glass. The course consists of 26 lectures and is led by Prof. Steve Martin, Iowa State University, along with leading experts in the field. The course is sponsored by ACerS Glass & Optical Materials Division (GOMD) and The International Commission on Glass (ICG).
Click here for the full schedule
To access the video recordings of completed lessons, click on the URL links below and enter the corresponding password.
Sept. 6
Introduction, Overview, Syllabus, Review of Glass Formation
Steve W. Martin
Sept. 8
Review of the Short and Intermediate Range Order Models Structures of Glass, Importance of the Glass Structure in Properties
Steve Feller and Dick Brow
Sept. 13
Introduction of physical principles, overview of interactions, practical aspects (1D) and Applications of REDOR to connectivity in glasses
Scott Kroeker and Hellmut Eckert
Sept. 15
Quadrupolar interactions: theory and practice and Lineshape fitting, Czjzek distribution
Scott Kroeker and Joe Zwanziger
Sept. 20
2D NMR, correlation methods, relationship to structure, MD/GIPAW
Pierre Florian and Frank Fayon
Sept. 22
EPR: cw and pulsed
Hellmut Eckert
Sept. 27
Mossbaurer spectroscopy in glass science
Sept. 29
Scattering Techniques Introduction
Joerg Neuefeind
Oct. 4
Neutron Scattering
Alex Hannon
Oct. 6
Contrast techniques and modeling
Laurent Cormier
Oct. 11
X-ray absorption (XANES, EXAFS)
Laurent Cormier and Daniel Neuville
Oct. 13
Vibrational Spectroscopy Introduction
Efstratios Kamitsos
Oct. 18
Infrared Spectroscopy
Efstratios Kamitsos
Oct. 20
Raman Spectroscopy
Daniel Neuville
Oct. 25
Optical Spectroscopy
Doris Möncke
Oct. 27
Overview of Atomistic Simulations and Structural Analysis
Jincheng Du and Walter Kob
Nov. 1
Classic Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Applications
John Kieffer and Liping Huang
Nov. 3
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Applications
Matthieu Micoulaut
Nov. 8
Machine Learning Techniques of Structural Analysis
Mathieu Bauchy
Nov. 10
Techniques and Studies using X-ray PhotoElectron Methods Part I
Giovanna Pintori and Elti Cattaruzza
Nov. 15
Techniques and Studies using X-ray PhotoElectron Methods Part II
Giovanna Pintori and Elti Cattaruzza
Nov. 17
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Studies of Glass Sturcture
Nov. 29
Structures of Phosphate and Oxy-Nitride Phosphate Glasses
Francisco Munoz
Instructor Slides: Phosphate Glasses I
Instructor Slides: Oxy-Nitride Phosphate Glasses II
Dec. 1
Structural Studies of Oxide Glasses Part I
Structural Studies of Oxide Glasses Part II
Jianrong Qiu
Dec. 6
Structural Studies of Non-Oxide Glasses Part I
Punit Boolchand and Steve Martin
Dec. 8
Structural Studies of Non-Oxide Glasses Part II
Punit Boolchand and Steve Martin