[Image above] Credit: ACerS, Wiley

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The American Ceramic Society is proud to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of the International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES). IJCES is the ACerS peer-reviewed platform to address the diverse science and engineering publishing needs in the broad field of ceramics, glass, and related technologies.

According to Ricardo CastroIJCES editor-in-chief, “The proper communication of novel science and engineering research discoveries and developments in the ceramic field is the first step for allowing proper scientific escalation in the academic community, but also for enabling maturing of new technologies and uses of ceramics in our everyday lives.”

The inaugural issue exemplifies this diversity with articles from industry and academia, from developed and developing nations, and on topics ranging from recycling whitewares to tape casting and firing of preceramic polymers to performance testing of a ceramic that could revolutionize artificial intelligence.

“Reporting such advancements in the ceramic field in an unrestricted access format can truly help to remove technical roadblocks that slow down the science and engineering of ceramics worldwide,” Castro goes on to say.

IJCES is available to anyone, anywhere. The only requirement is an internet connection.

For academic researchers, the work you submit to IJCES can be read by more people, creating greater opportunities to be cited. For our industrial researchers, the combination of the validation by ACerS experts, the lasting footprint of the scientific record, and the global distribution makes your submission to IJCES a powerful and cost-effective resource for demonstrating your technical leadership in your field.

Keep an eye out for this Friday’s CTT, which will highlight research from one article in the inaugural issue!


Jonathon Foreman

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