The Rutgers University Department of Materials Science & Engineering, the Ceramic Association of New Jersey and the New Jersey/New York Metro/Philadelphia Section of the American Ceramic Society are hosting the 2025 Malcolm G. McLaren Lecture Symposium on Friday, April 11, 2025, at Rutgers University – Busch Campus (Piscataway).

The symposium is being held to recognize the contributions of Prof. M. John Matthewson.  John has been chosen outstanding teacher by the Engineering Governing Council many times over the past 30 years.  This school-wide award is voted on by the undergraduate students in School of Engineering.  In recognition of this achievement, John will share with us some of his approaches to pedagogy.  There is a sign in his office that asks, “What is your SUPERPOWER?”  For John, that is teaching.

In addition, the Technical Program will include:

Prof. Deirdre O’Carroll, Rutgers University, co-PI for NSF ENGINES Program on Photonics, speaking on advancing photonics technology in New Jersey

Dr. James Colaizzi, Edison Magnet High School, and former student of John Matthewson, highlighting some lessons learned from his award-winning former advisor, and

Dr. Chris Rabii, Chief Executive Officer, Vivacity Infrastructure Group, which designs, develops and deploys comprehensive fiber optic , wireless and related digital infrastructure.


Reception and Poster Session to follow.  The program will run from 1 to 8PM on the Bush Campus in Piscataway, NJ.  For further information please contact Lisa C. Klein at


Vicki Evans

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