[Image above] Material Advantage Mug Drop Contest winners Samantha Swayne (Most Aesthetic Mug) and Josh Marrett (overall winner), both of Virginia Tech. Credit: ACerS

Before I, on behalf of our editorial staff, sign off on the CTT coverage of MS&T14, let me first thank you—our members and readers—for following, commenting on, and sharing our posts both here and on social media, where the online conversation was constant, compelling, and, often, comical.

Just as the boys of Boys II Men once sang, “it’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday”—especially since yesterday (and the days preceding it) were so jam-packed with plenaries, symposia, and poster sessions.

But just because MS&T14 was heavy on technical content doesn’t mean that it wasn’t also full of fun. (If you need proof, head over here and check out the #matsciselfies that were happening in the ACerS member lounge—and if you’re in one, please tag yourself!)

No one does fun better than our Material Advantage members, whose Mug Drop and Disc Golf Contests, organized by Keramos, were the can’t-miss competitions from Tuesday.

See them in action in the videos below, and be sure to check out the photos that follow.

Until next year…

  Credit (both videos): The American Ceramic Society; YouTube


From left: Keramos vice president Kevin Fox, Savannah River National Laboratory; Most Aesthetic Mug winner Samantha Swayne, Virginia Tech; overall Mug Drop champ Josh Marrett, Virginia Tech; and Keramos president Greg Hilmas, Missouri University of Science & Technology. Credit: ACerS

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Some of the mug drop entries post-inspection and pre-destruction. Credit: ACerS

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Josh Marrett’s destruction-defying mug surviving its last drop. Credit: ACerS


Inspecting the discs before the competition begins. Credit: ACerS


Mid-throw at the Disc Golf competition. Credit: ACerS


Keramos treasurer Brian Gilmore, Pioneer Natural Resources, with Most Aesthetic Disc winner Allie Clark of the University of Connecticut. Credit: ACerS


Brian Gilmore and champ Noveen Delaram pose for a picture of what’s left of the winning disc. Credit: ACerS


Jessica McMathis

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