Sakarya 2. OSB 1 No. Road No:18
54300 Hendek / Sakarya / TURKEYTEL:90 264 323 30 31
FAX:90 264 323 30 32

Email: akcoat@akcoat.com



Founded in 1979, Akcoat is the world’s leading chemical coating materials manufacturer with 5 main product groups: enamel, ceramics, non-stick decorative coatings, pigment and glass. Akcoat is the solution partner of global brands that add value to the white goods, kitchen appliances, ovens, ceramics and glass industries.

Akcoat, which is under the umbrella of Akkök Holding group of companies, also continues and expands its activities with this awareness of responsibility as a subsidiary of Turkey’s leading chemical company Akkim. Akkim is the market leader in many products such as basic chemicals and performance chemicals. It is the market leader with many products in the cleaning, chemistry, textile, paper, water treatment, food, metal, pesticide, energy, construction, mining, plastic and construction sectors.
