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2023–24 Spain Chapter officers

Chair: Arnaldo Moreno Berto, Asoc de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas (AICE)

Secretary: José Serafín Moya, Instituto Ciencia Materiales

Treasurer: Joaquín Ramírez, Universidad de Sevilla

If you would like to contact any of the Spain Chapter officers, visit the ACerS online membership directory for contact details. You must be a member to access the directory. You may also contact Vicki Evans at for assistance.



The ACerS International Spain Chapter serves ACerS members throughout Spain for the purpose of promoting the arts and sciences connected with ceramics and glass science and engineering. Events such as workshops, industrial showcases, and seminars are planned to enhance and facilitate the interaction, technical discussions, and potential collaborations between ACerS members in Spain. These events will focus on the development of early career researchers  to present their work to our members, provide publicity for job opportunities, and the establishment of networking collaborations. The Spain Chapter is headquartered in Castellón.