Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing

The industry magazine of The American Ceramic Society

  • A magazine for manufacturers and ceramic/glass business
  • Meets the urgent information needs of ceramic and glass manufacturers
  • Business news, people news, trade show coverage

When smaller is better: The promise of nanomaterials

In the latest issue of Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing, we consider current trends in the furnace industry.

The cover story contains interviews with representatives from industry (Cerion), academia (The Pennsylvania State University), and international collaborations (Graphene Flagship) discussing how the promise of nanotechnology is starting to materialize but challenges remain in converting research lab findings to scaled-up commercial production.

An accompanying article by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory group leader Kristin Omberg discusses ethical considerations of nanomaterials research. A third article overviews the past and future of nanotechnology guidance developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

The latest ceramic and glass business news fill the pages of C&GM, including openings and upgrades of plants, centers, and facilities; new acquisitions and collaborations; and market trends.

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