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As we enter the fourth month of 2020, it’s time for another round of ACerS journal news and tips!

Current journal issues at Wiley Online

JACerS: Volume 103 Issue 6 (June) presents a wide variety of articles on scientific explorations of ceramic and glass materials, processing, and properties.

ACT: Volume 17 Issue 3 (May-June) features an amazing 76 articles! Topics include additive manufacturing, modeling, performance in applications-based testing, production optimization, and more.

IJAGS: Volume 11 Issue 2 (April-June) includes a thought-provoking letter to the editor on studying the structure of glasses.

Lab not accessible?  Meeting postponed? No problem

In this trying time, experimentation has ceased in many parts of the globe and important meetings have been delayed for months and some even canceled.

Your work may not be complete, but you still may want feedback from the scientific community, and graduate students need publications to round out their portfolios.

Consider publishing your research as-is in the International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science. The mission of IJCES is to provide a platform for the timely distribution of good science and engineering studies. Our editors and reviewers generously share their expertise in their peer-evaluations of your manuscripts.

For work that you presented recently or intended to present at one of the postponed ACerS conferences, ACerS and Wiley, our publishing partner, have teamed up to substantially underwrite the open access article processing charge for conference presenters. The fee for articles on work you presented or planned to present is deeply discounted to $100.

Submit your manuscript today!

JACerS new direction

Computational materials science has many applications in ceramic and glass science and engineering. To address this growing area of interest, we welcome Jincheng Du of the University of North Texas to the JACerS editorial team.

Du brings tremendous experience in modeling and simulation at multiple levels, from atomic/electronic scales through macroscopic phenomena.

We encourage you to submit your next manuscript in these most interesting aspects to JACerS at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jacers.

Reminder: IJCES is indexed in DOAJ

International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science is now listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which is the highly respected index for Gold OA journals.

Unlike the commercial indexing services (e.g., SCIE and Scopus), DOAJ is community (membership) driven. It is focused on ensuring OA journals adhere to the best practices of open science, with broad dissemination of articles and sharing of meta-data with other indexes to further enhance article discoverability.

Hint of the month

The editors of the ACerS journals approve manuscripts on a nearly daily basis. Within hours of transferring these articles to Wiley, they are posted in the “Accepted Articles” queue of each journal’s Wiley Online Library page.

To access these queues:

  1. Go to https://ceramics.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
  2. Click on the banner of the journal you want to read, or use the “Journals” drop-down menu in the blue menu bar to access the journal
  3. On the white journal menu bar select “Browse” to get the drop-down list
  4. Select “Accepted Articles” to get the latest information


Jonathon Foreman

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