[Image above] Credit: ACerS

By Kevin Thompson, ACerS director of membership

Here at ACerS, we strive to always serve our members and supporters to the best of our abilities. But as times change, so do your needs and desires.

To continue serving everyone who engages with ACerS in the best manner possible, we are turning for help from the people who know your needs best—you!

By now you should have received a Needs Assessment Survey from The American Ceramic Society. We realize you’re probably quite busy, but what we learn from this survey will help us to best meet the needs of all ceramic and glass professionals and students. 

ACerS has not conducted a survey like this for many years, and probably will not again any time soon. We urge you, both members and nonmembers, to provide your feedback by completing the survey by Tuesday, October 13. It should only take about 15 minutes.

If you have not already completed the survey, please do so using this link:
https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5894648/ACerS-Needs-Assessment-Version-2. Twenty-five individuals will be selected to win prizes valued up to $500.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this important endeavor.


Lisa McDonald