The Electronics Division of The American Ceramic Society is dedicated to the development of its members. If you would like to contact any of the Electronics Division officers, visit the ACerS online Membership Directory for contact information. You must be a member to access the directory. Or, you may contact Karen McCurdy who will assist you.

Division Leadership

Contact our 2023–2024 Electronics Division Officers

Chair: Edward Gorzkowski | Naval Research Laboratory
Chair elect: Matjaz Spreitzer | Jozef Stefan Institute
Vice Chair: Mina Yoon | Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Secretary: B. Reeja Jayan | Carnegie Mellon University
Secretary-Elect: Aiping Chen | Los Alamos National Laboratory
Trustee: Geoff Brennecka | Colorado School of Mines
ACerS Board of Directors Division Liaison: Winnie Wong-Ng | National Institute of Standards & Technology

YPN + 1 Representative: Elizabeth Barrios | NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
DEI Subcommittee representative: Brady Gibbons |
Oregon State University
President’s Council of Student Advisors Delegates: Sevag Momjian and Emilee Fortier | The Pennsylvania State University

2023–2024 Nominating Committee Members: Jennifer Andrew (Chair) | University of Florida
Geoff Brennecka | Colorado School of Mines and Alp Sehirlioglu | Case Western Reserve Universiy