The Purpose of EPDC

The purpose of the The Education and Professional Development Council (EPDC) is to stimulate, promote, and improve education and professional development within the ceramic and glass community.

The Young Professionals Network (YPN), President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA), and Keramos continue to work closely with the EPDC to coordinate efforts and meet common goals.


ACerS Helps Advance Faculty Careers

For faculty working in ceramics and glass: ACerS can help you earn professional recognition, gain access to the latest technical information, and build the professional networks necessary for success.

Learn more below about how ACerS can help advance not only your career but also your students careers by visiting Resources for Faculty.

Join the Education and Professional Development Council (EPDC) as a member

If you have an interest in education or professional development initiatives, join us as a member of the EPDC. Additionally, EPDC members are eligible for special awards (see more information on awards below).

You may join this growing community by logging in to your ACerS Personal Snapshot and marking "EPDC" under the Interest Groups and Communities tab.

If you have any difficulties with this process, or have any additional questions please contact ACerS Customer Service at 1-866-721-3322 or 1-240-646-7054 (outside the U.S.).

EPDC Volunteer Position Available

2024-2029 EPDC Awards Committee Member

The Awards Committee is a standing committee of the EPDC composed of five members of the EPDC who have reached their 41st birthday prior to the current year. Members of this Committee will be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Society upon recommendation by the Co-Chairs of the EPDC; one member shall be appointed each year for a term of five years. They shall not be eligible for immediate reappointment. The senior member shall serve as chair of the Committee for all of its activities each year. To review and download the EPDC Rules, please see below.

Serving as an ACerS EPDC Awards Committee member is a 5-year commitment, with the senior member of the committee serving as the chair, and meetings virtually 2-3 times a year to solicit nominations, evaluate the candidates, and select the award winner for the four EPDC awards. The members of the committee are also invited to attend the EPDC council meetings with at least one spokesperson attending to provide a short report. The EPDC Awards Committee position will begin at the ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T.

Any ACerS member who is a member of the EPDC, has reached their 41st birthday prior to the current year, and has interest or relevant experience is encouraged to apply.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone please complete the nomination form below and submit via email by Friday, September 20, 2024. Please contact Yolanda Natividad with any questions.

ACerS Education and Professional Development Council (EPDC) Awards

Apply for one or more of the following EPDC awards by the annual deadline of March 1! Gain visibility and recognition while building your CV with ACerS.

ACerS offers even more awards! Chances are that you may qualify for additional awards. View the entire list of awards to see which apply to you.

EPDC Rules

Rules of The Education and Professional Development Council of the American Ceramic Society


2023-2024 Education and Professional Development Council (EPDC) Committee Representatives