[Image above] Credit: Wiley Online Library


In case you haven’t heard, there’s been a 100-year celebration going on all year.

ACerS and Wiley are wrapping up the Journal of the American Ceramic Society centennial celebration by providing access to more journal articles published in the three ACerS journals: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, International Journal of Applied Glass Science, and the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.

Through December 31, 2017, ACerS members and prospective members can access the articles from ACerS division pages. ACerS ten divisions offer members a way to connect with peers in their specific disciplines, such as glass, engineering, cements, manufacturing—and more.

So if your background is electronics, you might be interested in reading “Fundamental mechanisms responsible for the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency in microwave dielectric ceramics.”

Or if you’re interested in manufacturing, you might want to know how to fabricate lightweight anorthite bodies from lithomargic clay.

Perhaps your discipline is in nuclear and environmental technology—then you’ll definitely want to read about how water vapor affects the oxidation and fracture strength of SiC layers in TRISO fuel particles.

Back in September, ACerS provided access to a previous selection of journal articles on division pages. This time you can read up to 49 articles accessed through links on the following division pages:

“We post these articles to provide relevant scholarly information to our members most pertinent to your work,” Jonathon Foreman, managing editor of ACerS journals, explains. “These articles will be free to read and download through the end of 2017. After that time, ACerS members and subscribers to our journals will continue to enjoy access.”

Credit: Wiley Online Library

Access to all three ACerS journals is just one huge benefit of an ACerS membership. Check out the rest of ACerS benefits at this link and see why more than 11,000 scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, educators, and students call ACerS their professional home.

To learn more about JACerS’s 100th anniversary celebration, visit this link.

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Faye Oney

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