Journal Manuscript Workshop:
Writing to be published, found, and read

Available On Demand

To be cited your work must be read. To be read it must be found and it must be compelling. To be found and compelling it must be written to be understood by people and search engines. 

Writing well is key to getting your work published, discovered, read, and cited which are all critical to career advancement. An important function of the American Ceramic Society is helping you gain knowledge and experience to help you grow as a researcher.

Excellent abstracts and titles make articles more attractive to your audience and improve discoverability of your work by artificial intelligence algorithm employed by search engines and indexing services. After all, you need to be found to be read and cited.

Please download the workshop materials (Microsoft Word™ format) by clicking on these links. They are presented and discussed during the workshop.

Worksheets for Writing to be published, found, and read

Editors responses to workshop exercises