Dr. Stéphane Gin received a Master degree from Orléans University, France, and a PhD degree from Poitiers University, France in 1994. Since 1995, he works at the French Atomic Energy and Alternatives Energy Commission (CEA) of Marcoule, France, starting his career as scientist on nuclear and commercial glass corrosion problems. In 2001, he took the lead of the “Long term behavior of HLW glass” group within the Department of treatment and conditioning of nuclear waste at CEA. This team of 25 people focuses on fundamental and applied issues related to the geological disposition of high-level and intermediate level waste glass. From 2012 to 2013, he was visiting scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. Dr Gin is also part of advisory boards on high-level waste management in Belgium, the UK, and the USA. He also served as editor for the Journal of Nuclear Materials and he is currently editor in chief of npj-Materials Degradation, a Nature partner journal. He coauthored of ~180 journal papers and wrote acclaimed books on nuclear waste management for the general public.