Alicia Duran is a Research Professor for the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) Madrid, Spain. She received a degree in Physics, from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and a PhD in Physics from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain. Her professional career includes Tenure Scientist CSIC (1986), Scientific Researcher CSIC (1996), Research Professor CSIC (2005).

Dr. Duran has directed 14 PhD theses, 9 International and one Extraordinary Prize UAM. She has received the maximum of six-year research periods in productivity and has published over 250 articles in WOK/Scopus journals. Her citations in WOK total 6739 with a medium cites per publication of 27,5. Dr. Duran has an H index (WOK) 46 (the highest index in Spain in Science Materials, Ceramics), h index (Scopus): 47. She has published 12 books and 14 book-chapters, and has given 28 international invited talks/keynotes from 2010-2020.

In 2015, David Pye, the founder of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) suggested Dr. Duran as Associate Editor. In 2018, Mario Affatigato, the new editor-in-chief, proposed her as co-editor of IJAGS. In this position, she has shared the editorial line and strategy of the journal, making an important advertisement and getting new authors from Europe. Dr. Duran presented special talks in China in 2018 at Wuhan University of Technology as well as in SIOM in Shanghai for including top Chinese authors in the journal. The strategy included the design of special issues. One on Phosphate Glasses in January 2020 and Women in Glass in June 2020. This last special issue constitutes the first issue fully dedicated to women working in glass all over the world, gathering 17 papers from women working in 14 countries in a wide range of topics. The impact of this issue has been very important, taken as an example of how to promote the work of women in science and especially in glass sector. The guest editors, Kathleen Richardson, Lili Hu and Alicia Duran also reflect the goal of integrating West and East in our journal.

A new special issue dedicated to FUNGLASS, the European glass project with the highest budget ever financed by EU, will be published in October issue 2021.

Soon, a special issue will be launched focused in the Future of Glass, opening the International Year of Glass 2022. It will appear in April 2022 and will be presented in the GOMD 2022, Baltimore (May 2022) and in the ICG Congress in Berlin (July 2022).

The International Year of Glass 2022 was an idea born in the US in the frame of the papers announcing the arrival of the Age of Glass. A Special issue of IJAGS was devoted to the Glass Age with lead article: “Welcome to the Glass Age” by D. Morse, J. Evenson.

Duran, as President of the International Commission on Glass (ICG), has intensively worked as chair of this initiative with full support from ACerS officers, as well as David Pye and Manoj Choudhary. John Mauro wrote the first draft of the main document required by UN, revised and completed for more than 20 experts from ICG to arrive to the final document. ACerS and GOMD strongly support this initiative, providing more than 135 letters of endorsement as well as many other addresses of foreign researchers all along the world. The IYOG2022 was finally approved by the GA of UN on May 18, 2021.

Duran is the leader of the research group GlaSS of ICV(CSIC), which was nominated as Excellence group of CSIC, in the first top 10% of the 1600 research groups of CSIC (

The general objective of the research group GlaSS is the design, processing and characterization of glasses, glass-ceramics and sol-gel materials, going from the structural features to properties (optical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, electrical, etc.) and applications.

The research lines are focused on topics related to glass, glass-ceramics and sol-gel materials from basic research up to applications in the industrial glass sector and other final users of glassy materials. The main research lines are condensed in 3 topics, financed from different sources including Horizon 2020 European programme, Spanish R&D programme as well as other international projects and contracts with companies:

. Glasses and glass-ceramics produced by melting

. Sol-gel materials for sustainable applications

. Industrial collaboration: energy saving, food safety and environmental issues