Berndt_C_125Professor Berndt is the Director of Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials, SEAM. He has been involved in teaching and research within the materials engineering and mechanical engineering disciplines for 45-years. He has impacted many thousands of undergraduates through his teaching, as well as some 60 graduate students and post docs.

Berndt’s research area of specialization is ‘thermal spray coatings’. He has a specific interest in qualifying the unique artifacts of these coatings in terms of mathematical distributions and relating these metrics to the coating physical and chemical properties. The outcomes of this research direction will enable input processing conditions to be fundamentally related to engineering outcomes. These relationships will lead to intelligent processing so that coating manufacture can be fully integrated into machine learning.

He has taken on leadership roles within professional societies, which includes the Presidency of ASM International and the Australian Ceramic Society. Berndt is especially proud of his students and post docs who have achieved professional prominence and earned good lives. Chris acknowledges their positive impact on his own career.

Acknowledgement: This work has been supported largely by the Australian Research Council (ARC). The ARC Training Centre in Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials, SEAM, has been funded under Award IC180100005. Additional support has derived from industrial, university and other partners.