Prof. Dr. Eng. Jerzy LIS, is a correspondent member of the Polish Academy of Science and member of the World Academy of Ceramics, professor in materials science and chemical technology in AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow Poland, for many years dean of the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics and the head of the Department of Ceramics and Refractory Materials, currently vice Rector of the AGH UST.

J. Lis graduated AGH-UST in 1978, received his PhD in 1986, and D. Sci. in 1994 working as an assistant professor and associate professor at AGH UST.  He spent the years 1989-91 as a researcher at SUNY Buffalo, NY. He became a full professor in 2000 in AGH UST. His main research specialization are: ceramics, materials science; materials technology and engineering in advanced and traditional ceramics and building materials. He is active in transfer technology management and organization of higher education. In research Lis is known mainly by his works on materials prepared by combustion synthesis (SHS) and as the author of publications in the field of engineering and traditional ceramics (tiles, refractories, sanitary and electroceramics).

Prof. J. Lis is the Honorary Fellow of the European Ceramic Society, member of: The American Ceramic Society,  International Society of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis; The Polish Ceramic Society and The Polish Materials Society (former president of PMS). Prof. Lis is actually: vice-president of the Technical Committee of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and vice-chair of Ceramic Committee and Materials Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Science, and a member of editorial advisory boards of seven international journals. He was awarded the title of Golden Engineer by the Polish Technical Organization (2017) and received the Best Polish Inventor Award (2016).

As a member of ACerS and the world ceramics community J. Lis was: awarded  by “Building Bridge Award” of the Engineering Ceramic Division  in 2019,  head of the Nomination Committee of the ACerS Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award (2017-2018), invited speaker during the six ICCAC and symposium co-organizer at seven international symposiums ICCAC, invited speaker of many ACerS organized conferences as well CIMTEC and others ceramic  symposia,  reviewer for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and the Ceramics International and organizer of ten international  Polish Ceramics Conferences in 1998-2018. He  has very active international cooperation with ceramic research centers in the USA, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada and others.

His current activities are focused on: developing of advanced materials technologies (SHS, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, flash densification, etc.), elaboration and properties of advanced materials (ceramics, metals, intermetallic, composites); developing and management of academic education in ceramics, materials science and chemical technology; management of higher education in ceramics and developing of professional skills for  ceramic engineers.