Junichi Tatami is a Professor in the Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences at Yokohama National University, Japan. He received a B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. in science and engineering of ceramics from Tokyo Institute of Technology. After he held the fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at Tokyo Institute of Technology, he joined Yokohama National University in 1997 as a research associate, and he was promoted to a full professor in 2012.

His research activities have focused on two areas of structural ceramics: (a) powder processing to “create” new reliable ceramics and (b) elucidating the nature of fracture to “understand” the origin of reliability. The developed materials and evaluation technique provide a great impact to not only academy but also industry, which have developed joint researches with companies. He has published more than 170 peer-reviewed papers, and 15 books. He has received many awards, including Richard M. Fulrath Award, the American Ceramic Society, Global Star Award, Engineering Ceramic Division of the American Ceramic Society, Ceramics Society of Japan Awards for Academic Achievement in Ceramic Science and Technology, JSPS Prize, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the Young Scientists’ Prize of The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

Junichi Tatami has been a member of the American Ceramic Society since 1998 and a member of Engineering Ceramic Division. He has also an organizer of many symposiums in the international conferences endorsed by the American Ceramic Society, including MS&T, ICACC, PACRIM, HTCMC, GFMAT, and CMCEE.


His current interests are measurement of local mechanical properties of various kinds of ceramics and in-situ observation of the internal structure of ceramics in the processing. He focuses on the organic linkage between the researches of fracture of ceramics and advanced powder processing.