Noboru Ichinose is professor emeritus at Waseda University. He earned his BS in applied physics in 1959 and his PhD in physics in1967, both from Waseda. Prior to joining the faculty, he was with Toshiba Corp.

His research interests include functional ceramics such as ceramic substrates, ferrites, PTC and NTC thermistors, piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials, ceramic nonlinear resistors, ceramic sensors, thermoelectric materials, optoelectronic materials, and superconducting ceramics, bioceramics; and ceramic integration technologies. Ichinose is the author or coauthor of more than 200 technical papers and has published more than 60 books on functional ceramics. He holds over 400 Japanese and 50 foreign patents.

His many honors include: Engineering Award, Japan Society of Powder & Powder Metallurgy, 1975; Engineering Award, Ceramic Society of Japan, 1985; membership in the International Academy of Ceramics, 1991; Academie Award, Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, 1993; International Prize, Japan Fine Ceramics Association, 2001; and Academic Achievement, Japanese Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science & Technology, 2001.

Ichinose is an ACerS Fellow and a member of the Electronics Division. He was recipient of the Fulrath Award in 1978 and received the John Jeppson Award in 2004. He has served as chair of Japanese Fulrath Memorial Committee since 1997.