Qi Zhou is a Chinese-born scientist and researcher based in the United States. She recently earned her PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, where she focused on glass modeling and molecular simulations. Zhou’s research has been recognized for its innovative approach to force-enhanced atomic refinement, a technique that enhances the accuracy of atomic models using experimental force data.

Zhou’s work has been published in numerous high-impact scientific journals, including Nature Materials and Science Advances. She has also presented her research at international conferences and symposia, where she has been invited to speak on the topics of glass structure and dynamics.

Zhou’s work has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the behavior of glasses, which have numerous applications in technology and industry. Her research has potential implications for fields such as materials science, chemistry, and physics.

In addition to her research, Zhou is also actively involved in mentoring and teaching the next generation of scientists. She has served as a teaching assistant for multiple courses at UCLA and has also volunteered as a tutor for underprivileged students in the Los Angeles area.