Stephen Houseman is President of Harrop Industries, Inc. Columbus, Ohio, USA.  He received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1991 from The Ohio State University and began working at Harrop after graduation; he was promoted to President in 2013.

Houseman has been a member of ACerS since 1991 and is currently affiliated with the Structural Clay Products Division and Manufacturing Division.

He served as part of the executive leadership of the Central Ohio Section of ACerS from 1997 -2002. He also participated in the ACerS Environmental Achievement Award and Finance Committees for three years.  Houseman served two terms as Treasurer of both ACerS and CGIF from 2018-2022.  His accomplishments as Treasurer include contributions to the development of a Strategic Plan for ACerS, and the implementation of ACerS Risk Assessment analysis tool that is used by Society management today.  Steve was also awarded an ACerS Global Ambassador Award in 2021.