Venkatraman Gopalan is a Professor in Materials Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, in University Park, PA. He received his Bachelor of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai in 1989, and a Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University in 1995. After completing his postdoctoral position at the Carnegie Mellon University (1995-96) and the director-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (1997-1999), he joined Penn State as an Assistant Professor in 1999, being promoted to full professor in 2008.  He has authored over 350 refereed publications and holds 6 patents in the field of ferroelectrics, multiferroics, and nonlinear optical crystals. Two of these were the founding patents of Oxide Corporation in Japan, a leading crystal growth company in the world today founded by his collaborators Drs. Yasunori Furukawa and (the late) Kenji Kitamura. He is the recipient of the NSF career award (2000) and the CREATIV award (2015), and the Faculty Scholar Medal and Wilson award for excellence in research from Penn State. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society. He has been a member of the Basic Science Division of the ACerS since 1995, has organized or co-organized meetings, and is the recipient of the Robert R. Coble (2002), and Richard M. Fulrath (2009) awards.